Inversions Workshop
Long Melford.
Workshop Description:
There are a myriad of inverted postures in yoga. Whilst we won’t have time to cover all of them in this workshop, we will look at and practice a range of inversions, exploring their commonalities and differences. We will break down in detail some individual postures to help you understand them in a deeper way than I am normally able to teach you in a regular class. This will give you the confidence and knowledge you need to safely incorporate inversions into your home practice. From Downward Dog (yes this too is also an inversion) to Shoulder-stand, There will be options and varieties for everyone so that you can safely master the basics before moving on to more challenging postures (only if you want to).
If you have any questions please get in touch.
Workshop Information in Long Melford:
The Old School Studio,
The Old School Community Centre,
Long Melford, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 9DX.
Dates to be confirmed.
How much does it cost:
£15 per person.
You will need:
Essential: Equipment. . . .
Optional: Snacks and water.. . . ?